Föstudaginn 3. maí 2019 kl. 21.00 verður Tríó Richard Andersson NOR með tónleika í Alþýðuhúsinu á Siglufirði.  Húsið opnar kl. 20.45 og tekið er við frjálsum framlögum við innganginn.

Richard Andersson NOR frumfluttu aðra plötu sína, „The six of us”, á Reykjavik Jazzfestival 2018. Dansk-íslenska tríóið kemur aftur til Íslands í maí og heldur tónleika í Reykjavík, á Ísafirði og á Siglufirði. 

Richard Andersson, kontrabassi
Óskar Guðjónsson, saxófónn
Matthías Hemstock, trommur

Richard Andersson NOR er víxlverkun tveggja menningarheima innan amerísks nútímajazz ramma. Tónlist Andersons einkennist af tærð og einfaldleik, en flutningur tríósins færir hana í margbreytnari og jafnvel tilraunakenndan búning. Markmið þessarra þriggja tónlistarmanna er að gefa frá sér tónlist sem er melódísk og ljóðræn í eðli sínu en býður upp á tækifæri til óhefðbundnari túlkunar í takt við tónvitund hvers og eins þeirra.   

“…through the mist you will notice the lurking volcanoes occasionally erupting…” (Kjeld Frandsen Berlingske Tidende )


“Our newest album, “The six of us”, is a tribute to family life”, Richard Andersson says, “All three of us are devoted family fathers and I recently became a father for the fourth time turning my family into a family of six”.

The pieces Andersson wrote for this album are all dedicated to life with his family. At the same time Andersson emphasizes the fact that the trio itself also has grown to become a powerful unit somewhat similar to the one you find in a family. “Not only have Matti, Oskar and I established a unique musical relationship over the years, we have also built a strong friendship that I really appreciate. I feel, that all three of us really bring both our musical and our personal relationship into play when we enter the music. In that sense it’s not the three of us on stage, but the six of us…. “

”The trio does sound as a tight unit, with a strong, emphatic interplay, as of a close family but of the Scandinavian kind, well-behaved, quiet and gentle.” (Eyal Hareuveni/Salt Peanuts)