Bæjarstjórn Fjallabyggðar samþykkti á fundi sínum þann 30. maí að heimila T.ark arkitektum f.h. Samkaupa hf. og KSK eigna ehf. að vinna breytingu á deiliskipulagi miðbæjar Siglufjarðar með það að markmiði að útbúa nýja lóð fyrir verslunarkjarna sem mun m.a. hýsa nýja verslun Samkaupa hf. ásamt öðrum verslunum og/eða þjónustu.
Tillagan var samþykkt til auglýsingar á fundi bæjarstjórnar 29. október og kynnt á opnum íbúafundi þann 6. nóv. sl. Athugasemdafrestur er frá og með 13. nóvember 2024 til og með 2. janúar 2025.
Alls bárust skipulagsgátt 32 umsagnir vegna fyrirhugaðrar Samkaupsbyggingar og mun Trölli.is birta allar innsendar umsagnir næstu vikurnar.
Sjá fyrri umsagnir: HÉR
Tuttugasta og áttunda umsögn birt 02.01.2025.
Justina Rusilaite
As someone who lives in Siglufjörður all year round, I truly believe that building a shopping mall in the town center would be a fantastic addition. It would give us more shopping options here at home, something we really need. Not only would it make life a bit easier, but it could also lower prices and help keep more of our money in town instead of supporting businesses in other areas. For the younger crowd, it could bring some much-needed energy and opportunities to a place that often feels a bit quiet.
The location is perfect too—unused in the winter and with a lot of potential to attract tourists in the summer. It would give visitors even more reasons to love our town and spend time here, which could benefit both locals and tourists alike.
It’s important that we hear from people who live here year-round, like homeowners and full-time residents, because we’re the ones most impacted by these changes. While those with summer houses or rental properties are part of the town’s charm, it’s our voices that should help guide this discussion.
I’m excited about the idea of Siglufjörður developing and growing in a way that benefits us all, and this mall could be a big step in the right direction. Let’s look forward to a future where our town continues to thrive.
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